Forums » Backgammon Backgammon Replies: 10 Pages: 1 Most recent reply posted by: joerg_w (Sep 11, 2020 6:58 PM) | Welcome, Guest | Login | Guest Settings |
- Flyordie Backgammon Online
247 Backgammon offers the best backgammon game online. Play with an artificially intellegent opponent or play with a friend with Pass & Play! 247 Backgammon has games in five difficulites, ranging from easy to expert! You'll be sure to find a difficulty you feel comfortable playing, whether you are a beginner or seasoned backgammon player. Backgammon is the first game developed by's two new full time employees, Kjartan and Alexandra! Winning a single game can take a long time, so we decided to just make the simplest version, without the doubling dice and tracking wins over many games. FlyOrDie Backgammon's recent update includes: - automatic pass when there is no valid move - no unnecessary dice roll when it is not possible to enter from the bar - faster animation to make the game play more fluent. possibility to move multiple pieces in one move.
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joerg_w Posts: 1 Registered: Aug, 2020
| Backgammon | Posted: Sep 11, 2020 6:58 PM |
| | Hello and good evening. I've been playing backgammon for a few days now. I know the rules of the original When I go and play a person. In the last few days I have had a problem with the fact that if you can't move any other way, the dice always fall for the opponent in such a way that he drops exactly the number on the dice that the opponent needs to 'catch' one or two stones. Sometimes I think it can't be a coincidence. has one of you already noticed that Sincerely, Joerg
go dude Posts: 1 Registered: May, 2019
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Sep 27, 2020 11:38 PM |
| | Yes. That is one of my biggest complaints. So frustrating.
Cerna Peti 11 Posts: 57 Registered: Dec, 2009
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Sep 28, 2020 5:44 PM |
| | Yes, this is done on purpose to make the game more exciting. A few years ago it even said on the website that the dice were being manipulated because of it.
Topstar Posts: 13 Registered: Oct, 2019
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Sep 29, 2020 4:13 PM |
| | Flyordie have too much dices in the most games. 10 or more is normal in a game. Also i had opponents they start with 6 dices in raw what is exceptionel unreel. They should fix this topics but they do nothing and the most player agree with but is not the reel game as we know. Also i find doubel at the end when the opponennt is in big advantage destroy the games because you are forced to resign! All the games should played to the end thats my opinion.
didiAhn Posts: 1 Registered: Nov, 2019
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Oct 15, 2020 11:37 AM |
| | Hi, all players know this problem and of course the makers know the problem too but nobody is interested to make the game better. There are days you will never win a game and it doesn´t matter who your opponent is. I really have never played a badly programmed game! Yours didi
Topstar Posts: 13 Registered: Oct, 2019
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Oct 21, 2020 7:02 PM |
| | Here is nothing reel,if you complain or make a suggestion this moderators ignore you and also they delete or dont allow negative posts about fake games,too much dices and fake server. You win maybe 6-7 games and than you loose double sometimes in raw without any chance to win. A lot of people cames down from 500-600 to 200 like amateurs because of this topics so its common. Maybe abonnents are in advance. But from this website, nobody want to solve the topics!
Jim007 Posts: 5 Registered: Jul, 2020
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Oct 22, 2020 3:19 AM |
| | Hi Joerg, I also find this frustrating. If this is set up to provide closer games that would make it more frustrating. I understand there is luck within the game however providing opponents better odd's would be cheating.
Droitaubut Posts: 3 Registered: May, 2018
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Oct 22, 2020 6:10 PM |
| | Same, my win % on here after 1000s of games is over 50% but I've learnt that when I get to a rating of 300 or 400 I will end up back on zero no matter how or who I play. Sometimes it's embarrassing to win because the dice are so loaded, at other times even when you are in a very, very strong position, you still know for certain that somehow or other you will lose. Tend to find that if you create a very good position early on in a game then all of a sudden 3 or 4 'quite unlikely dice combinations will switch the whole thing and you lose and it does seem as if some kind of 'excitement' factor has been figured in. Have played 100s of opponents in UK & Turkey for 30 years and no comments on here are going to change my opinion that the dice on here are not random.
maccarre Posts: 3 Registered: Sep, 2015
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Nov 11, 2020 8:34 AM |
| | of course They are no random: it's an Internet game so a program. Random can't be program because it's mathematical and random isn't mathematical
ネレイア Posts: 16 Registered: Nov, 2020
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Nov 11, 2020 11:50 AM |
| | Well, this is interesting. If all this is true, how come there are people with 800+ points in rating?
nasereayta Posts: 2 Registered: Aug, 2018
| Re: Backgammon | Posted: Nov 15, 2020 6:07 PM |
| | ah hooooooooooooooooooo
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Flyordie Backgammon Online