You can also get a special “Rainbow Bingo” if you get all 7 colors in a row horizontally. I have a couple extra prizes for a “Rainbow Bingo”:) I’ll be sharing some of the fun DIY projects I made for the color party, along with a few more free printables in the upcoming weeks. Nov 29, 2017 - It's always an exciting time when your kids start to learn their colors. It's enough to make you want to put up rainbows everywhere. Now you can encourage their colorful education with these Printable Rainbow Bingo Cards.

Sno-Valley Senior Center is your gateway to new experiences in the Snoqualmie Valley! We work to inspire, support, and empower seniors to lead healthy, enriched lives, and have been serving Valley Seniors and their families since 1975. We are also proud partners with Sound Generations (formerly Senior Services).

RainbowRainbow Bingo

Update 11/16: Following announcement from the Governor yesterday (11/15), our services will not be changing. We are currently offering some one-on-one appointments, meals-to-go, Meals on Wheels, and our expanding Virtual Programming Calendar. More info and resources can be found HERE.

For this activity you will need:
Blind date bingo
  • Paper
  • Markers
  • Crayons
  • 2 Dice
Prepare the game by drawing a rainbow with a black marker on each paper (for however many people are playing). Then color a dot in each section of the rainbow for the color that goes there. Randomly choose numbers from 2-12 to represent each color (make them different on each persons paper as shown above).

Rainbow bingo game

Rainbow Bingo Adventure Free

  1. Take turns rolling 2 dice and see what number comes up.
  2. Everyone looks at their rainbow for the number that was rolled.
  3. If you have that number on your paper, color in that section of the rainbow with the matching color!
  4. Play until someone gets their rainbow all filled in and yells, 'RAINBOW!'